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Thought Bubble!

Recently I attended Thought Bubble, the great comics festival in Leeds, UK. It was not my first time there, as I was a volunteer last year, but it was my first time tabling there. It was also one of my first times tabling at all! It was a bit daunting, starting with such a big festival, but in the end it was a great experience.

I sold copies of both of my comics, as well as some other things: stickers, some bristol scraps I use to warm up, and an Orphan Black print I just made (I realise I should add all of these to my store).

Me with my friends, writer Dom Archer and cartoonist Berta from Crashed Asteroid. I should smile more.

But more than the sales, what was really cool was to meet other amazing comics people, make some (very) preliminary contacts, and get inspired! I came home so inspired to make comics I finished drawing and inking the third chapter of Jesus Christ Time Traveler, want I want more!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend Meanwhile... Comic Con, in Chichester, this past weekend. I was supposed to, but due to personal reasons had to cancel it. I do want to try and be there next year, and I definitely want to return to Thought Bubble, no matter where I'm living. So let's get back to making some comics to bring to those and other shows!

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