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Report from Events!

I'm in Brazil right now, and wanted to write a quick account of the two events I attended recently.

The University of Dundee degree show opening night was excellent. We had a great turnout and got to meet very interesting people, as well as make some sales. I was honoured to bet at a show with my classmates, all such talented people who managed to create such great work over this year we spent together. Unfortunately I didn't have time to take many pictures as I was manning the sales table, but I did have a blast!

Then the following week (last week!), I was at Banca de Quadrinistas, in my native São Paulo, Brazil. It was a great show, full of talent and different kinds of comics. I already knew the work of some of the people tabling at the event, others I was just getting to know, but they had great stuff there and I was very happy to be among them. If you speak Portuguese, here's a great video by Papo Zine covering the event. You can see me babbling like an idiot, I should really practice talking to the camera more.

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