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The next several weeks will be quite busy, in a good way. I will be attending quite a few comics events, which is exciting!

This Friday, August 18, there's the opening of Masters of Comics Graduate Exhibition, where my work will be on display, along with that of my classmates at the MDes in Comics and Graphic Novels. All their comics are excellent, so if you are anywhere near Dundee this week, definitely drop by. The exhibition will be there until 27 August.

I however, won't be there after this Saturday, because next week I have another event in São Paulo, my home city. It's Banca de Quadrinistas, where myself and a few other selected cartoonists will be showing and selling our work. Again, if you're in São Paulo, do drop by!

Then later in September I will be in Leeds for Thought Bubble, then in Chichester for Meanwhile. I will be posting more information on those as we approach them, but at every one of these events I will have copies of my last book, Does This Look Like A Real Comic To You?, as well as my brand-new comic, which was sent to the printer last week and should be arriving tomorrow! Stay tuned for more info!

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