Agora você pode escrever no blog onde estiver!
Você pode gerenciar seu blog em qualquer lugar com mais facilidade e conveniência. No post desse blog vamos compartilhar dicas de como...
Crie um blog incrível
Sobre o layout, o blog tem tudo que você precisa para criar lindos posts que chamam a atenção do leitor. Confira nossos recursos de...
Aumente a comunidade do seu blog
Com Wix Blog, você compartilha sua voz com o mundo e também cria uma comunidade online. O Wix Blog possui uma área de membros na qual os...
Artistic Parents
I've been meaning to get back to blogging here, but I wanted to focus on some deeper topics, related to art and comics. I haven't been...
How you've been?
So, I've neglected this blog for a while. Recently I've been reorganising my schedule, which will now have a weekly slot to work on this...
FIQ 2018 Report
I'm back in São Paulo from Belo Horizonte, where I was for most of last week. What a blast it was! I had always wanted to go to FIQ -...
New Story, New Playlist
As you might know, I am fond of making playlists for some of my comics. They help me set the mood whilst I'm working on them, and I think...
FIQ 2018 - MESA 212
(This is in Portuguese because it mostly concerns people in Brazil) Hoje saiu a lista de mesas da FIQ 2018, e estou bastante feliz de...
2018 Update
So, lots of news since I last posted. Let's see... -I moved back to Brazil (though I'll be still going abroad as much as possible, so...
Last year I did all 31 days of Inktober! It was hard, but I did it (I may have cheated a bit by combining a day I think). This year I...